
Struggling Bloggers, I Was You. Then I Built This AI Writer and Changed Everything.

Hey there! I'm Oscar Yu, founder of OrcasTip.com. Not too long ago, I was struggling to start and write content for my small blog. The infamous writer's block was crippling my consistency.

After months of frustration, I realized there had to be a better way. So I assembled a team of AI engineers to build the ultimate AI blog writer that could create full posts in seconds.

We developed OrcasTip.com to help struggling bloggers like I was overcome writer's block and generate content on demand through the power of AI.

Here's why my AI writing SaaS is a game changer:

  • Instantly Get Writing Ideas: Never stare at a blank page again! Use Google Trends to find topics. Or let the AI suggest ideas for you.
  • Fully Written Drafts In Seconds: In the time it takes you to brew a cup of coffee, OrcasTip.com can generate an entire custom article for you to use.
  • Optimize For SEO Without Trying: Each post is written to target relevant keywords and help you rank better in search.
  • Overcome Writer's Block For Good: Stuck starting a post? Let our AI provide the framework to finally smash through creative blocks.
  • Generate Content 24/7: Create fresh blog posts any time you need them with the power of AI working for you around the clock.

As a startup founder and former struggling blogger myself, I built OrcasTip.com to solve the problems I faced. Now it's my mission to help regular bloggers like you take your content creation to the next level through the power of AI.

Don't waste another minute staring down a blank page. Let my AI writing SaaS do the hard work for you.

Try OrcasTip.com risk-free today!
